Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas Presents! Part VII

Yesterday, Christian, Christie, Addie and Lexi came to visit us and we celebrated Christmas/Birthday by opening gifts, going out to eat at the Kani House and playing Uno. Christian and Christie are expert gift givers who managed to hit my 3 of my 4 loves in their two gifts to me: books, jewelry and purses. Anyone want to guess my 4th love? (Shaun is not included in this list.) :)
They also got Shaun this book, which we are both pumped to read, and a Wii game.
Also, Christian terrorized poor little Minerva-kins.

Though, knowing Minerva, she was probably purring the entire time.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for a great night! Always love seeing the Krisher's:)
    Yes, Christian would be terrorizing that poor cat, wouldn't he?!
